PEN America became an official tool of censorship a long time ago. Here they are spreading propaganda in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puSFQcKVld0

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"[...] They like to understand. They like to play devil's advocate./ My father plays soccer. It's so hot in Gaza./ No place for a child's braid. Under/ that hospital elevator. When this is over./ When this is over there is no over but quiet./ Coworkers will congratulate me on the ceasefire/ and I will stretch my teeth into a country. [...] Tell me,/ what op-ed will grant the dead their dying?/ What editor? What red-line? What pocket?/ What earth. What shake. What silence." From the poem "Naturalized" by Hala Alyan. I have no principle to tolerate genocide by. Sorry, Jim.

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