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I was out of college for 9 months during the 1968 campaign and shaved off my mustache to work (free) for Gene McCarthy in 1968. In Chicago, I was buttonholing delegates to vote for McCarthy over Humphrey. At the last minute, McGovern put his hat in the ring to split the antiwar vote and assure Humphrey's nomination.

In 1972, McGovern knew the new delegate/primary system better than anyone else, and Nixon sabotaged the primary campaigns of any credible candidates... so McGovern was able to lose 49 states ... to Nixon... in the general election. He won in Massachusetts and DC. But yeah, outsider Jimmy Carter won in 1976.

You may remember that New Engineer, which I edited, was evidently the first national publication to publish a story on Carter's campaign.. in October 1975. The writer, Stan Fisher, is still alive and living in Atlanta.

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